"Finstas," or fun Instagrams also known as spam accounts, are usually created so the user can have a "private" platform to share things with close followers that they wouldn't put on a main Instagram account for everyone to see. Generally, all Instagram "norms" disappear for finsta accounts. It's acceptable to post more than one time a day, post something that makes no sense, or post imperfect pictures. These things can be fun to share with close friends and there can be benefits to having this form of an outlet, but overall, from my experiences, finstas just increase levels of attachment on social media and lead to oversharing of unnecessary and personal information.
I enjoy having a finsta because I have close friends that live in other states and countries and it is a simple way for us to see what is going on in each others lives and to be updated on personal and big events that wouldn't be shared on other media platforms or accounts. In that sense I think that finstas are good, its a way to stay closer to friends and maintain conversations and prevent complete disconnect. However, no post or Instagram friendship can ever match or replace talking in person or being together in person. So, if we treat these finstas as a place to connect and share with our friend's things that we would normally share in person, we begin to share too many personal things and overshare, both on the finstas and on other social media platforms because that is what we become used to doing. By serving as a place where oversharing and sharing very personal information is acceptable, finstas cause us to put more of ourselves into media, which is dangerous and harmful.
When humans talk face to face, a significant amount of the communication is coming from things other than the words that can be written down, and when we type out a post, we do it thinking the words with the same meaning these others factors would also bring. So, when we share something emotional or personal that could be misinterpreted, it often is because people often misinterpret things and there is a disconnect because what is shown on the screen is only part of the meaning. This can lead to false interpretations and judgements which can lead to a whole host of negative impacts.
While finsta accounts are fun and do have some positive impacts, they do lead to oversharing and comfortableness with putting a ton of personal information into the media. These actions pose many threats and are habits with negative consequences that we must be wary of and prevent. Do we really need to share everything on social media? Is posting this one thing really worth it? Does our rationalization overcome the probable impacts? Finstas are fun, but we have to be wary of what our time on them can become.
I think that finstas, or fake instas, while rather unnecessary have become something with meaning that really do help maintain connections with those you can't easily see everyday or be with 24/7. Like, while I post on my finsta for my friends at ckm, I feel like I'm also posting for my older friends from previous schools and other places. While I think oversharing is real, and don't believe I really partake in it, I think it's all situational, and can't be generalized as bad.